What is Thrive? 

Thrive is a digital tool that motivates personal growth by building awareness of self-care through your Thrive State™.


What is your Thrive State? 

Your Thrive State is a proprietary indicator that reflects your state of wellbeing at any point in time across multiple dimensions – your mind, body, feelings, and world.  Using a unique algorithm, which is just another word for a recipe, we mix different ingredients to reflect your sense of thriving.  In essence, it takes what you share about yourself in the app, plus some externally observable factors, to discover your unique definition of wellbeing. Then, when you’re doing great or feeling out of whack, it’ll show you exactly how you track. The more you share, the better it gets at guiding you on a path to higher self-awareness. 


How does your Thrive State work? 

Thrive State gives weight to various dimensions of your life - your mind, body, feelings, and world - based on both your initial and continuous feedback. It then tunes its understanding of your thriving based on various externally observable factors. 


Who can join Thrive? 

Thrive is currently in the Beta testing phase and is not yet available to the public. If you’ve opted in to participate in Alpha testing, you will receive an invite to download the app, create your profile, complete the app quizzes and be prompted to provide us with honest feedback on the accuracy of your Thrive State


Where can I download the Thrive app? 

You can download the app on Google Play or App Store.  


Do I need to pay a registration fee to join? 

You can join for free with no additional costs (other than your normal data usage). Download the app, create a profile, and you’re good to go! 


Why should I check and rate my Thrive State

Your Thrive State motivates your personal growth by building awareness of what needs attention and when you need to slow down to go fast. By giving us your feedback on its accuracy, you will help us improve the recipe over time and for the whole Thrive community.  


How often is the Thrive State updated? 

We update your Thrive State daily. Check-in to find out how you’re doing, and be on the lookout for app reminder notifications when you forget.  Remember, life isn't a happening; it's a journey, and the Thrive app is focused on a long-term companionship with you. 


What does each dimension mean? 

My Mind refers to our mental processes and activities, including intellectual, occupational, financial, and spiritual. It relates to how we process information, how emotions influence our behaviour, and how our beliefs and values shape our thoughts and actions. 

My Mind compromises of 4 consolidated dimensions 


Spirituality: Spirituality refers to a sense of connection to something greater than oneself, which can involve a belief in a higher power, a sense of purpose or meaning, or a connection to nature or the universe. Spirituality can have a profound impact on the mind, influencing thoughts, emotions, and behaviours.  


Intellect: Intellect refers to the capacity for mental or cognitive ability, which includes skills such as reasoning, problem-solving, and critical thinking. Intellectual pursuits such as learning new skills, reading, and engaging in challenging activities can help to stimulate the mind and improve cognitive function. Engaging in intellectual activities can promote a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, which has a positive effect on mental health.


Occupation: Occupation refers to the work or activities that a person engages in to earn a living or to fulfil personal goals and interests. Occupation has a significant impact on the mind, as it can influence a person's sense of purpose, identity, and self-esteem. Engaging in fulfilling work or activities can positively affect mental health, while job stress and dissatisfaction can have negative effects.  


Finances: Finances refer to managing money and financial resources, including income, expenses, savings, and investments. Financial stress can have negative effects on the mind, leading to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. On the other hand, financial security and stability provide a sense of peace and stability, which can have a positive effect on mental health. 


My Feelings refer to our subjective perceptions of emotional states. They can range from positive emotions, such as happiness, joy, and love, to negative emotions, such as anger, sadness, and fear. Our feelings can be triggered by internal thoughts and memories, external events and experiences, or physiological responses. Personal beliefs and values, cultural norms and expectations, social relationships and interactions all influence our feelings. 


My Body refers to maintaining physical wellbeing in order to perform physical activities and carry our tour social roles without hindrance or bodily pain.


My World refers to the interconnected aspects of maintaining meaningful relationships and valuing the relationship between ourselves, where we live and work, and the planet that contributes to our overall quality of life. 


Customer Service:

How do I contact Thrive’s customer service?

Email us with your feedback at [email protected] or WhatsApp at 064 690 0154. 


Privacy and security:

Is my personal information safe and secure when using Thrive? 

We value your privacy and take data protection very seriously. We comply with the POPI Act, and all the personal data we collect is protected, obtained through user consent and not shared with third-party entities. Captured data helps us improve your Thrive experience and improve the accuracy of your Thrive State™. For more information, view our privacy policy.


Can I use Thrive in Private Mode? 

You can change your privacy settings in the app, giving you control over the information you choose to share. View our privacy policy for more information.